# output= font=GoMono Nerd Font:size=10 dpi-aware=no # prompt=> icon-theme=hicolor icons-enabled=yes # fields=filename,name,generic # password-character=* match-mode=fzf # sort-result=yes # match-counter=no # show-actions=no # terminal=$TERMINAL -e # Note: you cannot actually use environment variables here # launch-prefix= # Setting this to false can be useful on compositors where enabling # "focus-follows-mouse" causes fuzzel to exit as soon as the mouse # is moved over another window. Sway (<= 1.7) exhibits this # behavior, for example. # Default: _yes_ exit-on-keyboard-focus-loss=no # lines=15 width=35 horizontal-pad=10 vertical-pad=10 inner-pad=10 # image-size-ratio=0.5 # line-height= # letter-spacing=0 line-height=18 [colors] background=000000AA text=efefefef match=fabd2fff selection-match=fabd2fff selection=666666ff selection-text=efefefef border=33eeffee [border] width=2 radius=0 [dmenu] # mode=text # text|index # exit-immediately-if-empty=no