#!/bin/sh # This script requires dnsutils aka bind to fetch the WAN IP address # Shows the connections names # nmcli connection show --active | grep 'ethernet' | awk '{ print $1 }' FS=' ' # nmcli connection show --active | grep 'wifi' | awk '{ print $1 }' FS=' ' # Show ethernet interface name # nmcli connection show --active | grep 'ethernet' | awk '{ print $6 }' FS=' ' # Show wifi interface name # nmcli connection show --active | grep 'wifi' | awk '{ print $4 }' FS=' ' ShowInfo() { # if [ "$(nmcli connection show --active | grep -oh "\w*ethernet\w*")" == "ethernet" ]; then # wan="$(dig @resolver4.opendns.com myip.opendns.com +short)" # connection="$(nmcli connection show --active | grep 'ethernet' | awk '{ print $6 }' FS=' '): $(nmcli connection show --active | grep 'ethernet' | awk '{ printf "%s\nLAN IP:",$1 }' FS=' ') $(nmcli -t -f IP4.ADDRESS dev show $(nmcli connection show --active | grep 'ethernet' | awk '{ print $6 }' FS=' ') | awk '{printf "%s\nWAN IP: '$wan'", $2}' FS='[:/]')" # elif [ "$(nmcli connection show --active | grep -oh "\w*wifi\w*")" == "wifi" ]; then # wan="$(dig @resolver4.opendns.com myip.opendns.com +short)" # connection="$(nmcli connection show --active | grep 'wifi' | awk '{ print $4 }' FS=' '): $(nmcli connection show --active | grep 'wifi' | awk '{ printf "%s\nLAN IP:",$1 }' FS=' ') $(nmcli -t -f IP4.ADDRESS dev show $(nmcli connection show --active | grep 'wifi' | awk '{ print $4 }' FS=' ') | awk '{printf "%s/nWAN IP: '$wan'", $2}' FS='[:/]')" # else # connection="No active connection." # fi fyi -i "network-idle" --hint string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:network-status "$connection" } IconUpdate() { # if [ "$(nmcli connection show --active | grep -oh "\w*ethernet\w*")" == "ethernet" ]; then icon="" # elif [ "$(nmcli connection show --active | grep -oh "\w*wifi\w*")" == "wifi" ]; then # icon="" # else # icon="" # fi printf "%s" "$icon" } if [ "$1" = "ShowInfo" ]; then ShowInfo else IconUpdate fi