path: root/.config/kitty/themes/gruvbox_dark.conf
blob: eae85547c434cf59d3d62285d5a0497663bba6ac (plain) (tree)

# gruvbox dark by morhetz, https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox
# This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
# For a copy, see https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.

# 235_bg, 223_fg1
background #000000
foreground #ebdbb2

# 245_gray, 237_bg1
selection_foreground #928374
selection_background #3c3836

# 229_fg0, 236_bg0_s
cursor            #fbf1c7
cursor_text_color #32302f

# 208_orange
url_color #fe8019

# 235_bg, 241_bg3
color0 #282828
color8 #928374

# 124_red, 167_red
color1 #cc241d
color9 #fb4934

# 106_green, 142_green
color2  #98971a
color10 #b8bb26

# 172_yellow, 214_yellow
color3  #d79921
color11 #fabd2f

# 72_aqua, 109_blue
color4  #458588
color12 #83a598

# 132_purple, 175_purple
color5  #b16286
color13 #d3869b

# 72_aqua, 108_aqua
color6  #689d6a
color14 #8ec07c

# 246_gray, 245_gray
color7  #a89984
color15 #ebdbb2