path: root/.config/wayprompt/config.ini
blob: fe1c37c906b6aaf3f9e74db302fc80b33d4c04b4 (plain) (tree)




font-regular = GoMono Nerd Font:size=12;
# Font used for description, buttons and error message.  Defaults to "sans:size=14".

font-large = GoMono Nerd Font:size=20;
# Font used for title.  Defaults to "sans:size=20".

button-inner-padding = 5;
# Padding around the labels of the buttons.  Defaults to 5.

vertical-padding = 10;
# Top and bottom padding of the dialog prompt window.  Defaults to 10.

horizontal-padding = 15;
# Left and right padding of the dialog prompt window.  Defaults to 15.

pin-square-size = 18;
# Size of of the squares in the pin area, which represent the typed characters of the secret.  Defaults to 18.

pin-square-amount = 16;
# Amount of the squares in the pin area.  Defaults to 16.

border = 2;
# Width of the border of the dialog prompt window.  Defaults to 2.

pin-square-border = 1;
# Width of the border around the squares in the pin area. Defaults to 1.

button-border = 1;
# Width of the border around the buttons.  Defaults to 1.

corner-radius = 0;
# The radius of the corners of the dialog prompt window.  Set to 0 to disable round corners.  Defaults to 10.


background = 0x000000AA;
# Background colour of the dialog prompt window.  Defaults to 0xFFFFFF.

border = 0x33CCFF;
# Border colour of the dialog prompt window and the buttons. Defaults to 0x000000.

text = 0xEFEFEF;
# Colour if the title, description and prompt texts as well as of the button labels.  Defaults to 0x000000.

error-text = 0xE0002B;
# Colour if the error text.  Defaults to 0xE0002B.

pin-background = 0x666666AA;
# Colour of the pin area.  Defaults to 0xD0D0D0.

pin-border = 0xEFEFEF;
# Colour of the pin area border and the pin square borders. Defaults to 0x000000.

pin-square = 0x404040;
# Colour of the pin squares.  Defaults to 0x808080.

ok-button = 0xD5F200;
# Background colour of the ok button.  Defaults to 0xD5F200.

ok-button-border = 0xEFEFEF;
# Border colour of the ok button.  Defaults to 0x000000.

ok-button-text = 0x000000;
# Text colour of the ok button.  Defaults to 0x000000.

not-ok-button = 0xFFE53E;
# Background colour of the not ok button.  Defaults to 0xFFE53E.

not-ok-button-border = 0xEFEFEF;
# Border colour of the not ok button.  Defaults to 0x000000.

not-ok-button-text = 0x000000;
# Text colour of the not ok button.  Defaults to 0x000000.

cancel-button = 0xFF4647;
# Background colour of the cancel button.  Defaults to 0xFF4647.

cancel-button-border = 0xEFEFEF;
# Border colour of thcancel ok button.  Defaults to 0x000000.

cancel-button-text = 0x000000;
# Text colour of the cancel button.  Defaults to 0x000000.