diff options
authorJustine Smithies <justine@smithies.me.uk>2023-10-11 18:25:52 +0100
committerJustine Smithies <justine@smithies.me.uk>2023-10-11 18:25:52 +0100
commit857f5db03891461da3b9c682531aacd197f4dd82 (patch)
parentd52dd0688dfdb3283402c21a27fc6e8c34bf9e0b (diff)
Switched to River
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e83adff..b50df1e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
-# Various dotfiles for my [Void](https://voidlinux.org/) - [Qtile-Wayland](https://github.com/qtile/qtile) setup.
-A full-featured, hackable tiling window manager written and configured in Python.
-Please note that I use the latest Qtile from their GitHub repo which can be installed by following the installation instructions [below](#installing-qtile-wayland).
+# Various dotfiles for my [Void](https://voidlinux.org/) - [River](https://github.com/riverwm/river) setup.
+River is a dynamic tiling Wayland compositor with flexible runtime configuration.
## Details
-Below is a list of some of the packages that I use for my current setup which consists of two screens. A monitor as the main screen and the laptop screen as a slave and Kanshi is used to set the monitor as the left most. Please note that my config isn't perfect so your mileage may vary.<br />
+Below is a list of some of the packages that I use for my current setup which consists of two screens. A monitor as the main screen and the laptop screen as a slave and Kanshi is used to set the monitor as the left most and apply focus to it using a riverctl focus-output command. Please note that my config isn't perfect so your mileage may vary.<br />
The wallpaper featured in the screenshots can be found here: https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/015/554/914/large/artur-sadlos-to-sh300-ooh-as-05i.jpg
<br />
- **Operating System** --- [Void](https://voidlinux.org/)
- **Boot Loader** --- [Grub](https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/index.html)
- **Resource Monitor** --- [Btop](https://github.com/aristocratos/btop)
-- **Window Manager** --- [Qtile](https://github.com/qtile/qtile)
-- **Status Bar** --- [Qtile's own](https://codeberg.org/qtile/qtile)
+- **Window Manager** --- [River](https://github.com/riverwm/river)
+- **Status Bar** --- [Yambar](https://codeberg.org/dnkl/yambar)
- **Screen Detection** --- [wlr-randr](https://sr.ht/~emersion/wlr-randr/)
- **Screen Hotplug** --- [Kanshi](https://sr.ht/~emersion/kanshi/)
- **Screen Locker** --- [Swaylock](https://github.com/swaywm/swaylock)
@@ -78,82 +77,14 @@ The wallpaper featured in the screenshots can be found here: https://cdna.artsta
- [w3m](https://w3m.sourceforge.net/)
- [msmtpqueue](https://github.com/marlam/msmtp-mirror/tree/master/scripts/msmtpqueue)
-## Installing Qtile Wayland
-#### 1. Ensure the wlroots is installed
-On Void: `sudo xbps-install -S wlroots0.16 wlroots0.16-devel`
-#### 2. Clone the Qtile repo
-`git clone https://github.com/qtile/qtile.git
-cd qtile`
-#### 3. Install Qtile dependencies
-`python -m pip install dbus-next pywlroots pywayland "cairocffi >= 1.6.0" "cffi >= 1.1.0" "xcffib >= 1.4.0" wheel --no-cache-dir --force`
-#### 4. Install qtile for the first time
-`python -m pip install .`
-#### 5. Find FFI Names
-The following command lists the names of the system binaries we need copy
-`ls /usr/lib64 | grep "libxkbcommon\|libinput\|libwlroots"`
-The following command lists the names of the pywlroots binaries we need to replace
-`ls ~/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pywlroots.libs | grep "libinput\|li bxkbcommon\|libwlroots"
-#### 6. Patch the pywlroots FFI
-Symlink the relevant system binary to the pywlroot binaries. In my case
-ln /usr/lib64/libxkbcommon.so.0.0.0 ~/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pywlroots.libs/libxkbcommon-de59cad2.so.0.0.0 -fs
-ln /usr/lib64/libinput.so.10.13.0 ~/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pywlroots.libs/libinput-a3c39512.so.10.13.0 -fs
-ln /usr/lib64/libwlroots.so.11 ~/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pywlroots.libs/libwlroots-62d802e9.so.11 -fs
-#### 7. Build qtile FFI
-This next command is super important, we need to build the ffi for the virtual enviroments qtile
-cd ~/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages
-python libqtile/backend/wayland/cffi/build.py
-#### 8. Install Qtile for the second and (hopefully) final time
-cd 'The location of your qtile git repo'/qtile
-python -m pip install .
-#### 9. Start Qtile
-`qtile start -b wayland`
-`dbus-run-session qtile start -b wayland`
## Keybindings
### Window manager controls
| Keys | Action |
| ------------------------------------ | ------------------------- |
-| <kbd>CTRL + MOD + r</kbd> | restart Qtile |
-| <kbd>CTRL + MOD + q</kbd> | shutdown Qtile |
-| <kbd>CTRL + MOD + w</kbd> | Open window switcher |
-| <kbd>MOD + w</kbd> | kill window |
-| <kbd>MOD + RETURN</kbd> | spawn terminal |
-| <kbd>CTRL + Space</kbd> | Rofi menu |
-| <kbd>CTRL + MOD + p</kbd> | Rofi power menu |
+| <kbd>MOD + q</kbd> | Kill window |
+| <kbd>MOD+SHIFT + RETURN</kbd> | Spawn terminal |
+| <kbd>MOD + d</kbd> | Fuzzel menu |
+| <kbd>CTRL + MOD + p</kbd> | Fuzzel power menu |
## To set the wallpaper