path: root/.config/qtile/keys.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.config/qtile/keys.py')
1 files changed, 277 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.config/qtile/keys.py b/.config/qtile/keys.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75e5bde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/qtile/keys.py
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+# Justine Smithies
+# https://github.com/justinesmithies/qtile-wayland-dotfiles
+# Key configuration
+import os
+from libqtile.config import Key
+from libqtile.command import lazy
+home = os.path.expanduser('~')
+terminal = os.environ.get("TERMINAL")
+mod = "mod4"
+keys = [
+ # Move focus to next screen
+ Key([mod, "control"], "period",
+ lazy.next_screen(),
+ desc="Move focus to next screen",
+ ),
+ Key([mod], "g",
+ lazy.screen.next_group(skip_empty=True),
+ desc="Move to next active group"
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "g",
+ lazy.screen.prev_group(skip_empty=True),
+ desc="Move to previous active group"
+ ),
+ # Switch between windows in current stack pane
+ Key([mod], "h",
+ lazy.layout.left(),
+ desc="Move focus left in stack pane"
+ ),
+ Key([mod], "l",
+ lazy.layout.right(),
+ desc="Move focus right in stack pane"
+ ),
+ Key([mod], "k",
+ lazy.layout.down(),
+ desc="Move focus down in stack pane"
+ ),
+ Key([mod], "j",
+ lazy.layout.up(),
+ desc="Move focus up in stack pane"
+ ),
+ # Move window on the current screen
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "h",
+ lazy.layout.shuffle_left(),
+ desc='Shuffle left'
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "l",
+ lazy.layout.shuffle_right(),
+ desc='Shuffle right'
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "k",
+ lazy.layout.shuffle_down(),
+ desc='Shuffle down'
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "j",
+ lazy.layout.shuffle_up(),
+ desc='Shuffle up'
+ ),
+ # For the BSP layout
+ Key([mod, "mod1"], "j",
+ lazy.layout.flip_down(),
+ desc='Flip down'
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "mod1"], "k",
+ lazy.layout.flip_up(),
+ desc='Flip up'
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "mod1"], "h",
+ lazy.layout.flip_left(),
+ desc='Flip left'
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "mod1"], "l",
+ lazy.layout.flip_right(),
+ desc='Flip right'
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "control"], "j",
+ lazy.layout.grow_down(),
+ desc='Grow down'
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "control"], "k",
+ lazy.layout.grow_up(),
+ desc='Grow up'
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "control"], "h",
+ lazy.layout.grow_left(),
+ desc='Grow left'
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "control"], "l",
+ lazy.layout.grow_right(),
+ desc='Grow right'
+ ),
+ Key([mod], "n",
+ lazy.layout.normalize(),
+ desc='normalize window size ratios'
+ ),
+ Key([mod], "m",
+ lazy.layout.maximize(),
+ desc='toggle window between minimum and maximum sizes'
+ ),
+ Key([mod], "o",
+ lazy.layout.grow(),
+ lazy.layout.increase_nmaster(),
+ desc='Expand window (MonadTall), increase number in master pane (Tile)'
+ ),
+ Key([mod], "i",
+ lazy.layout.shrink(),
+ lazy.layout.decrease_nmaster(),
+ desc='Shrink window (MonadTall), decrease number in master pane (Tile)'
+ ),
+ # Toggle floating
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "f", lazy.window.toggle_floating(),
+ desc="Toggle floating"
+ ),
+ # Toggle Fullscreen
+ Key([mod], "f",
+ lazy.window.toggle_fullscreen(),
+ lazy.hide_show_bar(position='all'),
+ desc='Toggle fullscreen and the bars'
+ ),
+ # Switch window focus to other pane(s) of stack
+ Key([mod], "space", lazy.layout.next(),
+ desc="Switch window focus to other pane(s) of stack"
+ ),
+ # Swap panes of split stack
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "space",
+ lazy.layout.rotate(),
+ desc="Swap panes of split stack"
+ ),
+ # Toggle between split and unsplit sides of stack.
+ # Split = all windows displayed
+ # Unsplit = 1 window displayed, like Max layout, but still with
+ # multiple stack panes
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "s",
+ lazy.layout.toggle_split(),
+ desc="Toggle between split and unsplit sides of stack"
+ ),
+ Key([mod], "Return",
+ lazy.spawn(terminal),
+ desc="Launch terminal"
+ ),
+ # Toggle between different layouts as defined below
+ Key([mod], "Tab",
+ lazy.next_layout(),
+ desc="Toggle between layouts"
+ ),
+ Key([mod], "w",
+ lazy.window.kill(),
+ desc="Kill focused window"
+ ),
+ # Toggle bars
+ Key([mod], "b",
+ lazy.hide_show_bar(position='all'),
+ desc="Toggle bars"
+ ),
+ # Qtile system keys
+ Key([mod, "shift", "control"], "l",
+ lazy.spawn("swaylock -f -i .cache/wallpaper"),
+ desc="Lock screen"
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "control"], "r",
+ lazy.reload_config(),
+ desc="Restart qtile"
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "control"], "q",
+ lazy.shutdown(),
+ desc="Shutdown qtile"
+ ),
+ Key([mod], "r",
+ lazy.spawncmd(),
+ desc="Spawn a command using a prompt widget"
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "control"], "p",
+ lazy.spawn("" + home + "/.local/bin/powermenu"),
+ desc="Launch Power menu"
+ ),
+ # Rofi
+ Key(["control"], "space",
+ lazy.spawn("fuzzel"),
+ desc="Launch Fuzzel menu"
+ ),
+ # Window Switcher
+ Key([mod, "control"], "w",
+ lazy.spawn(home + "/.local/bin/qtile-window-switcher.py"),
+ desc="Launch the Window Switcher",
+ ),
+ # Install updates
+ Key([mod, "control"], "u",
+ lazy.spawn(home + "/.local/bin/statusbar/arch-updates.sh key-update"),
+ desc="Install updates",
+ ),
+ # Cycle through windows in the floating layout
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "i",
+ lazy.window.toggle_minimize(),
+ lazy.group.next_window(),
+ lazy.window.bring_to_front()
+ ),
+ # ------------ Hardware Configs ------------
+ # Volume
+ Key([], "XF86AudioMute",
+ lazy.spawn(home + "/.config/qtile/statusbar/volumecontrol mute"),
+ desc='Mute audio'
+ ),
+ Key([], "XF86AudioLowerVolume",
+ lazy.spawn(home + "/.config/qtile/statusbar/volumecontrol down"),
+ desc='Volume down'
+ ),
+ Key([], "XF86AudioRaiseVolume",
+ lazy.spawn(home + "/.config/qtile/statusbar/volumecontrol up"),
+ desc='Volume up'
+ ),
+ # Media keys
+ Key([], "XF86AudioPlay",
+ lazy.spawn("dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify " "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 " "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.PlayPause"),
+ desc='Audio play'
+ ),
+ Key([], "XF86AudioNext",
+ lazy.spawn("dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify " "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 " "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.Next"),
+ desc='Audio next'
+ ),
+ Key([], "XF86AudioPrev",
+ lazy.spawn("dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify " "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 " "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.Previous"),
+ desc='Audio previous'
+ ),
+ # Brightness
+ Key([], "XF86MonBrightnessDown",
+ lazy.spawn(home + "/.config/qtile/statusbar/brightnesscontrol down"),
+ desc='Brightness down'
+ ),
+ Key([], "XF86MonBrightnessUp",
+ lazy.spawn(home + "/.config/qtile/statusbar/brightnesscontrol up"),
+ desc='Brightness up'
+ ),
+ # Screenshots
+ # Take a screenshot of the currently focused output and save it into screenshots
+ Key([], "Print",
+ lazy.spawn(home + "/.local/bin/screenshot.sh"),
+ desc='Save the screens of the currently focused output to the screenshots folder'
+ ),
+ # Take a screenshot of the selected region
+ Key([mod], "Print",
+ lazy.spawn(home + "/.local/bin/screenshot.sh selected-region"),
+ desc='Save the selected region of the screen to the screenshots folder'
+ ),
+ # Capture region of screen to clipboard
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "Print",
+ lazy.spawn(home + "/.local/bin/screenshot.sh save-to-clipboard"),
+ desc='Capture a region of the screen to the clipboard'
+ ),
+ # Take a screenshot of the selected window
+ Key([mod, "control"], "Print",
+ lazy.spawn(home + "/.local/bin/screenshot.sh selected-window"),
+ desc='Save the selected window to the screenshots folder'
+ ),
+for i in range(1, 5):
+ keys.append(Key(["control", "mod1"], "F" + str(i),
+ lazy.core.change_vt(i),
+ desc='Change to virtual console ' + str(i)
+ ),)