# introduce new language server
command = "simple-completion-language-server"
max_completion_items = 20 # set max completion results len for each group: words, snippets, unicode-input
snippets_first = true # completions will return before snippets by default
feature_words = true # enable completion by word
feature_snippets = true # enable snippets
feature_unicode_input = true # enable "unicode input"
feature_paths = true # enable path completion
# write logs to /tmp/completion.log
RUST_LOG = "info,simple-completion-langauge-server=info"
LOG_FILE = "/tmp/completion.log"
name = "bash"
scope = "source.bash"
injection-regex = "(shell|bash|zsh|sh)"
file-types = [
{ glob = "tmux.conf" },
{ glob = ".bash_history" },
{ glob = ".bash_login" },
{ glob = ".bash_logout" },
{ glob = ".bash_profile" },
{ glob = ".bashrc" },
{ glob = ".profile" },
{ glob = ".shrc" },
{ glob = ".zshenv" },
{ glob = ".zlogin" },
{ glob = ".zlogout" },
{ glob = ".zprofile" },
{ glob = ".zshrc" },
{ glob = ".zimrc" },
{ glob = "APKBUILD" },
{ glob = ".bash_aliases" },
{ glob = ".Renviron" },
{ glob = ".xprofile" },
{ glob = ".xsession" },
{ glob = ".xsessionrc" },
{ glob = ".yashrc" },
{ glob = ".yash_profile" },
{ glob = ".hushlogin" },
shebangs = ["sh", "bash", "dash", "zsh"]
comment-token = "#"
language-servers = [ "scls", "bash-language-server" ]
indent = { tab-width = 2, unit = " " }
name = "lua"
language-servers = [ "scls", "lua-language-server" ]
name = "python"
language-servers = [ "scls", "pylsp" ]
name = "toml"
language-servers = [ "scls" ]
# introduce a new language to enable completion on any doc by forcing set language with :set-language stub
name = "stub"
scope = "text.stub"
file-types = []
shebangs = []
roots = []
auto-format = false
language-servers = [ "scls" ]