path: root/.config/nvim/lua/config/options.lua
blob: bd00264ca7c3750a7b7feb89266c77d6067715a8 (plain) (tree)


-- disable netrw at the very start of your init.lua --------------------------
vim.g.loaded_netrw = 1
vim.g.loaded_netrwPlugin = 1

local opt = vim.opt

-- TAB/INDENT ----------------------------------------------------------------
opt.tabstop     = 2
opt.shiftwidth  = 2
opt.softtabstop = 2
opt.expandtab   = true
opt.smartindent = true
opt.wrap        = false

-- SEARCH --------------------------------------------------------------------
opt.incsearch  = true
opt.ignorecase = true
opt.smartcase  = true
opt.hlsearch   = false

-- APPEARANCE ----------------------------------------------------------------
opt.number         = true
opt.relativenumber = false
opt.termguicolors  = true
--opt.colorcolumn    = "100"
opt.signcolumn     = "auto"
opt.cmdheight      = 1
opt.scrolloff      = 10
opt.completeopt    = "menuone,noinsert,noselect"
opt.cursorline = true -- Highlight the active cursor line

-- MISC ----------------------------------------------------------------------
opt.hidden     = true
opt.errorbells = false
opt.swapfile   = false
opt.backup     = false
opt.undodir    = vim.fn.expand("~/.config/nvim/undodir//")
opt.undofile   = true
opt.backspace  = "indent,eol,start"
opt.splitright = true
opt.splitbelow = true
opt.autochdir  = false
opt.modifiable = true
opt.encoding   = "UTF-8"
opt.guicursor  = "n-v-c:block,i-ci-ve:block,r-cr:hor20,o:hor50,a:blinkwait700-blinkoff400-blinkon250-Cursor/lCursor,sm:block-blinkwait175-blinkoff150-blinkon175"
opt.termguicolors = true

-- APPEND --------------------------------------------------------------------